Ways to increase the value of your property by maintaining your lawn
A healthy lawn is more than just a green carpet. It’s a place to entertain friends, play with kids and pets, or just relax in the sun with a good book. It’s a reflection of the home itself, and it increases the value of the property.
According to Lawn Maintenance Fort Myers A great-looking landscape requires a mix of basic care and periodic spa treatments to keep grass looking its best. A standard lawn maintenance service should include mowing, fertilization and watering. But most yards require more than just this to truly thrive.
Weeding: Weeds steal sunlight, nutrients and moisture from the grass, so keeping them under control is essential to a lush yard. Regular weeding keeps most species of broadleaf weeds (including dandelions, clover and chickweed) from growing in the first place, eliminating a lot of hassle down the line.
Watering: A deep weekly soaking is better than frequent shallow waterings, which can promote disease. It also allows roots to extend deeper into the soil, cutting off their competition with weeds for moisture. It’s important to know your soil type, since sandy soils dry out faster and need to be watered more often, while clay soils hold moisture longer and can go longer between soakings.
Fertilizing: The numbers on the fertilizer bag reveal the percentages of actual nitrogen and other nutrients, so match the product to your grass’s needs. Fertilizer that’s too high can actually harm the lawn, while too little does no good. It’s also essential to set a schedule and stick with it, since over-fertilizing is just as harmful as not fertilizing at all.
Aerating: Poking holes in the soil helps oxygen get to grass roots, so aeration is another “spa treatment” for your lawn. It’s particularly beneficial for thick, dense grasses and clay soils. It’s typically done with a tool that looks like two hollow tubes on the end of a handle, but there are also manual methods for the DIYer.
Thatch removal is another lawn-care “spa treatment.” This layer of dead and living organic matter accumulates between the soil surface and the grass blades, making them appear dull or brown. It’s usually done with a mechanical rake, but some homeowners prefer to use a power broom to avoid disturbing the soil.
Pest control: Fungus that feeds on the grass can destroy it if not controlled. A healthy lawn usually resists these organisms, but if it becomes infected, you may need to treat the area with fungicide.
Lawn Renovation: If moss, weeds or insects have become overwhelming, a full lawn renovation is sometimes necessary. A complete lawn renovation includes herbicide dethatch and reseeding, while a partial renovation involves a weed killer and reseeding only the affected areas.
These are just a few of the many landscaping ideas to help you make your outdoor space your own. Whether you want it to be simple and understated or extravagant and luxurious, the right landscape can add beauty and value to your home. Just be sure to hire a trusted landscaping contractor, so you can rest assured that your lawn is in good hands.